Supporting early stage funds in realizing the future

Wholestack is an investment partner with the long-term conviction and capital to realize the potential of emerging domains.

We back funds at the earliest stages of fund formation globally with as little as $1M and as much as $30M. The early stage funds we back invest exclusively in emerging domains that are now considered fringe, but will become mainstream, including:


AI + Drug Discovery

Synthetic Biology

Viable Therapeutics

Pre-Clinical Proof-of-Concepts

Crypto & Web3

Alternative Proteins

Ag Automation

Food Production

Permanent Carbon Removal

Regenerative Ag & Agroforestry

Future of Manufacturing

AI designed Materials

New mobility

Autonomy and Sensing





We believe early stage funds and bold fund managers outperform established funds

Wholestack takes a future-focused approach to evaluating risk. We look forward to potential, not backward to track records when considering investments.




We believe emerging domains offer win-win opportunities

Unlike established domains which can often feel like a zero sum game, investing in emerging domains affords us the opportunity for exponential growth and impact.



We believe in acting with conviction 

We know what we’re looking for in a fund. We understand that investing in emerging domains comes with a certain amount of volatility. We’re decisive, transparent, and expedited in our diligence process. Not only that, we’re generous with our network and our thought partnership. 



 Our Spec Sheet

    • We look for early stage funds that are less than 300 million in size that invest in startups in seed, series A, and B stages.

    • We want to work with GPs that are on their first or second fund.

    • We look for funds that are focused on emerging domains whose advances we believe will be foundational in the future.

    • We typically invest amounts of up to 10% of 
a fund’s Net Asset Value.

    • We are willing to make secondary investments that offer GPs and LPs liquidity.

    • We regularly co-invest alongside partners.

    • In addition to capital, we are generous with our thought partnership and networks.

  • Introduce yourself to @WholestackLP to get more information about our investment theses or start a conversation.

    Preview the next steps for a selected fund, download our operational due diligence checklist.

Disclosure: Wholestack has established, maintains and enforces written policies and procedures reasonably designed to identify and effectively manage conflicts of interest related to its investment activities. For more important disclosures, please see the Disclosures and Terms of Use available here.